Hey guys, to make it short I will leave the Clan because there are only two BC Player’s anymore. It was a great time, at least from August last year until Beginning of this year. I don´t see that anyone is returning at all so it makes no sense for me to stay. Thanks for all!
The Master administration rights from this website I transferred on DogDancing and Veritas.
I´ll probably stay clan less now but I try to get on ActionFPS TeamSpeak as much as i can while my studies;) So i hope to meet you guys someday!
Here you can see all |BC| - Matches from the Weed-Tourney.|addpics|3wo-1-f6c1.jpg,3wo-2-019b.jpg,3wo-3-414b.jpg,3wo-4-ba7a.jpg,3wo-5-1f41.jpg,3wo-6-61a6.jpg,3wo-7-8d90.jpg,3wo-8-3208.jpg,3wo-9-1814.jpg|/addpics|